HIPAA Security Risk Analysis (SRA)
Training Webinar

Complete Your Required HIPAA Security Risk Analysis, Live Online with Instructor on Saturday: September 28th, 2024, 10 AM to 1 PM EST.

Save with your association discount code “ACUCODE”!

Here’s how to complete your 2024 HIPAA Security Risk Analysis (SRA)
Completing a Security Risk Analysis is required for health care providers who digitally create, store, and transmit patient data and other protected health information.  The Analysis should be updated annually and a copy of this completed analysis document needs to be maintained for six (6) years.
Statutory Reference – Risk Analysis — HIPAA Standard: 164.308(a)(1)(ii)(A): Conduct an accurate and thorough Analysis of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information held by the covered entity or business associate.
This training is sponsored by: Patient Data Protection: a HIPAA compliance partner who specializes in helping small/solo practices comply with big government regulations on a small budget.
There can be many barriers to HIPAA compliance, but most Acupuncturists tell us they simply don’t know how to get started.  Good news.  It’s easier, faster, and cheaper when you have the right help.

What past webinar participants have to say…

“Super helpful webinar! I really appreciate the step-by-step walk through to make sure we’re not missing anything important. Thank you! – Jessica M.”
“This was an excellent webinar. I highly recommend! This addresses a lot of the how to questions and makes meeting these requirements obtainable. Much needed information for all those practicing in this digital era. Thank you! -Carmen J.”
“This webinar was extremely helpful! Thank you! -Christine M.”
“This was a very helpful webinar to go through some of the details of SRA, now feeling more clear! Thank you! – Maria P.”
“Informative and Concise! – Stanley C.”

All attendees for this training will receive:

Online Real-Time Training with “hands-on” small group instruction with David Bibbey, L.Ac.
Login credentials to access our web-platform.
Live Q&A with presenters
We will help you every step of the way…
Before this training is finished attendees will complete and print/save their individual clinic’s 2024 HIPAA Security Risk Analysis (SRA).
We will talk and walk you through this process.  You will complete this HIPAA requirement before the training concludes.  You can download a permanent record of your required 2024 analysis/report.
  • Personal (keystroke) instruction to complete and download their clinic’s Security Risk Analysis (SRA)
  • Customized 2024 HIPAA Security Rule: Policies and Procedures Manual
  • 12-month access to our web-based SRA tools – for any updates and/or edits your analysis may need

With Your Association Discount

Register and Pay only $149

and receive the “HIPAA Smart Start Package”, which Includes:
  • SRA Online Tool Access
  • SRA Webinar
  • Privacy Policy Manual
  • Security Rule Manual
  • SRA Manual
Regular Price $478, Enter “ACUCODE” Below and save $329
If you have questions you would like to ask before signing up, or advanced questions you would like answered at the webinar, please: Click here.

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